Monday, December 24, 2012

A national Shame!

Angry, tears, protest, agitation…were the reactions underwent when read about Delhi gang-rape in the moving bus. Tears were rolling down for each word while reading the pathetic incidence. The paramedical student was brutally raped and injured by group of boys. Why do they do to a woman in that inhuman manner! in fact animals are hundred and one times better than these rogues! What's the pleasure out of such insane act they got it...don't they think of their women at home...where is the humanity...? This pathetic incident touched every heart of the Indian, and couldn't keep quiet...
Students in Delhi are venting out their anger protesting day and night at secretariat, Indian Gate and at President's and CM’s residence. Withstanding the tear gas, water cannons in the cold winter, laticharge by police, receiving as a reward for the peaceful protest; whole country is agitating and protesting the act. On the other hand government has kept silent or speaking nothing much about the incident.

Who are responsible:
  • The girl with her friend travelling in that bus, but they have chosen a wrong bus…
  • The girls’ friend could have fight more till he die, or by beating them in their private parts…
  • The windows were curtained…
  • There were no cops in the area where the bus travelled, so called posh Delhi…
And the reasons line up like a pile, whatsoever, can we change the past? It’s all happened in the CAPITAL of India the Delhi…is it not a national shame! Cops couldn't able to provide security for aam aadmi [common people]  in the capital city, what can we expect in a far away rural India…

What we need?
  • Enact a bill/law against rapist, punish them in the public
  • Ensure 24/7 security for all the people in the nation
  • Change the rigid mindset of the cops- when a rape victim approaches P.S. the cops should not double rape them with words
  • Need more women cops and the protection cells
  • Stop saying/advising what women should wear
  • Educate the male people right from their childhood, on how to respect and honour women
  • Indian cinemas must stop showing the women as a mere flesh to use...
  • Government should react promptly for any such kind of incidents

Friday, October 5, 2012

What's your say on FDI in retail

FDI in retail is the burning issue in the latest. Mamta didi gave a big blow to the congress by withdrawing her support. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and some states are against to the FDI in retail investment. UPA rallying to explain the benefits of FDI in retail. 
FDI[Foreign Direct Investment] in retail policy has two sides of the coin. One is benefiting farmers to sell their crops in the foreign markets (don’t know the actual terms & conditions), generates employment to uneducated, develops cold storage chains, avoids damage of food perishables etc. On the other side, small and big retailers viz. kirana stores will affect for sure; they lose employment and come to the streets. In A.P. there are around 1.3 crore kirana stores. Experts says that there is no profit or no loss in  welcoming FDI in retail; whereas, opposition says that the profits will go to the foreign banks and the existing retailers will affect adversely.
 As per my knowledge the farmers income is arbitrary, they are being deceived by a chain of mediator and big retailers in the country from the days since independence. Consumers are paying ten times to what the retailer's cost price is. In this scenario it is advisable to support FDI in retail market to save the farmers and consumers as well. What is your say?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do you judge people fairly?...nice reading

Once upon a time, three blind kids who have never heard of an elephant, were taken near to the elephant. First kid who touched the elephant from the tail commented that elephant is hairy and thin. Second kid who touched the elephant from legs concluded that elephant is very fat and unmovable thing. Third kid who touched the elephant from the trunk siad that elephant is a curvy moving object.

Do you think any of the kid said the right thing? Do you think that instant comments by any kid was a right approach? Do you think you behave just like blind kids, that is, giving instantaneous conclusive comments about people instead of judging them properly. In fact, sometimes you behave worst than that. You associate assassination of people and put their respect on stake. Isn't it unfair?

So how to judge people? Here are some points to be considered:

1 - Be positive. Even if you notice any negative things about someone. Don't conclude about it. There is a chance your brain is thinking against the reality. Don't let you brain cook bad curry. Explore the negative observation extensively but avoid spying on someone. Be straight and be upfront.

2 - Physical appearance is not everything. Don't judge people by their looks. A person is normal clothes and in a normal vehicle might be better than a person in brand new Mercedes or BMW. On the contrary, a rich man can also be equally a great person.

3 - When judging people look for the Ethical richness such as honesty, truthfulness, simplicity, behavior, friendliness, down-to-earth attitude etc.

4 - A fly will always sit on the dirty and rotten part of the tomato. Never do this in your life. Every person has good and bad habits., Look at the positive side of things. If you feel something wrong, talk about it but don't spread negative info about someone. Hate the bad habit, not the person.

Judging a person does not define who they defines who your are !!!
so what are your suggestions on how to judge people?


Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Everyone knows that teaching is the noblest service.  From early Krita yuga, it is believed that guru[teacher] should be given a prominent place in the society. They are the one who creates doctors, lawyers, business persons, artists and many more. Guru is the one who inspires and aspires the child in many ways. Molds a mud of mind into fine shaped pot which is useful to serve the society.
Now-a-days teachers are those who have have preschool kids, housewives boring at home want a less time working job or those who are trying for sarkari naukri. In our country the least paid job is teaching, that's the main reason why people opt it as a last choice. I am not blaming the whole society, agree that there are few people who are really interested to take up this profession. In turn it's the duty of the teacher to urge their students to take up teaching as their carrier.
An interesting read about teaching profession,  forwarded by a beloved friend -

From A School Principal's speech at a graduation..
He said "Doctor wants his child to become a doctor.........
Engineer wants his child to become engineer......
Businessman wants his ward to become CEO.....
BUT a teacher also wants his child to become one of them..!!!!
Nobody wants to become a teacher BY CHOICE" ....Very sad but that's the truth.....!!!

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.
One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued,
"What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"

To stress his point he said to another guest;
"You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Teacher Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied,
"You want to know what I make?
(She paused for a second, then began...)

"Well, I 
make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't
make them sit for 5 min.without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.

You want to know what I 
(She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table)

make kids wonder.

make them question.

make them apologize and mean it.

make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

teach them how to write and then I make them write.
Keyboarding isn't everything.

make them read, read, read.

make them show all their work in math.
They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.

make my students from other countries learn everything they need
to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

Finally, I 
make them understand that if they use the gifts they
were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life

( Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)

Then, when people try to judge me by what I 
make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant. You want to know what I make?
What do you make Mr. CEO?
His jaw dropped; he went silent.

Guru is inspiration
Guru is aspiration
Guru is the way
Guru is the light
Guru is the window of the world
Guru is the friend
Guru is the second parent
Guru is the knowledge of knowledge.

Happy guru purnima to all the gurus...!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4th Anniversary

It's almost 4 years working at EFF, under PurpleTalk's umbrella.
     Great kick start in this summer, hired a choreographer to teach dance; yes! on the occasion of Purpletalk 4th anniversary I participated in a dance and a skit.After a long time I danced on the stage. We were a group of 8, boys and girls. Every afternoon rushed to Pandora office to practice our dance. Though we sweated in the hot sun with rehearsals, enjoyed to the fullest. I devoted my whole days for dance, as it's summer vacations for schools :D Moreover, interesting event was FLASH MOB in the office on
Thursday; we spent late hours on Wednesday to practice the flash mob inside the office; 'weeeeee will weeeeee will rock U!' was the song chosen. OMG! everyone were thrilled at our performance;

This was the pic taken after the flash mob.Team work is always rocks!special thanks to our colleague and choreographer Mr.Salman who composed the steps...

We had a good shopping and break from office the very before day of the event for selecting costumes. To our surprise the costumes at the drama artist shops are really really MIND BLOWING! :X normal professionals can not wear such kinda zintak colors with shimmery cloth. We flewed to Shilparamam to buy costumes. Meanwhile took a chil pil at the waterfalls and clicking here and there. Had a great time though short period at Shilparamam.

We rocked the floor! We group of 8, danced on the latest medley songs...It was wonderful experience for me. In fact I am out of stage fear now. We girls dressed in bright yellow and black out fits whereas boys wore red and black with was great combination. Thrilled to step on the dias...

I am in the last row right side. There was huge applaud resounded the hall. At last pappu could dance :P I was jumping and enjoying the claps for us, really a good experience overall. Then next tension started, it was skit and I was a news reader...practiced and mugged up all dialogues and thought to vomit on the stage, but I acted more than I could. "Shabash Ambi U can do it"

I did it! Eureka.......! a big laugh for every news headline and applauded till they hurt their palms. I raising my flag too much in this post. sometimes we have to. [Every dog has its day :P] The skit was about post formation of Telangana state, and I have to speak in typical Telangana slang. And I could as I am.

Then DJ dancers, 'I am a disco dancer...^-^

Monday, April 9, 2012

End of the academic year

Looks like just yesterday the year started and ended today. Yes! it's last day in the academic year11-12. I feel lil happy and sad. Happy because I successfully finished the virtual classes gained varied experiences, learned huge bunches of lesson as well and sad because, I will see my students after two months. More or less every teacher feels the same way. This year gave me a wide range of experiences, it's more than a Ugadhi Pacchadi. Tasted the sweetness of cheers, bitterness of troubles, salty questions, souring arguments, spicy discussions and much more. Teaching is actually learning, though its an age old saying, it's absolutely true. My students in and outside the school ask me 'n' number of questions which are sometimes logical some are illogical and funny; they post me questions as I give freedom to speak up and share their ideas. Lol! started band bajana :P 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mahesh - an orphan

The story of Mahesh, age 11 years - In our lane there is a family who has a mobile tiffin centre in a busy area. They hired a child labour, Mahesh as a helper. His job is to clean the plates and serve the customers. He worked there for almost two months. Unfortunately, Mahesh was thrown out of the job and didn't pay salary for the days he worked.
I happened to talk to him a night. My aim was to join him in a hostel, so was explaining him the benefits of joining hostel with the help of child help line people. To my surprise, he gave a list of hostels he ran out from. Mahesh doesn't want to live in hostels, he had had brutal experiences in prison like hostel. He is strongly decided to stay away from hostels.
After a week I called him my home and inquired about his family. "My parents expired ages, I didn't see them since my birth; I have a sister younger to me. My sister and I brought up at my aunt's home for few years. She admitted to a hostel and studying there. I came to Hyderabad in search of a job. I happened to live in three to four hostels, but couldn't live in such jail like home, so ran off..." he said. A big question in front of me. Where should I keep this boy, how come his feeding, and education? Though, I told him to join my tution the very next day. Amazing! he is above average student to his level, he can read and write Telugu(mother tongue), English as well. Even he is good in Math basics. I decided firmly to join him school in the coming academic year. Mahesh is little or more interested in continuing his studies. As for now, he is staying in a broken old house. There is no roof for the room; doing small jobs in near by houses and eating here and there. My mind and heart sinked at the sight. Wanna do something, but how? My family won't allow to give him shelter, (as ours is 10x10 sq ft area, insufficient for us to live);God listened to my words at last! he got a small shelter in one of my alumni student's house. He welcomed him to stay without paying any rent (as for now). I was really happy for getting him a shelter.
What I observed from other students was, everyone came forward to contribute for the living of Mahesh. It's a good sign in fact, sowing a seed of humanity at an early age. Glad and satisfied to see their helping nature.

Monday, March 5, 2012

a day at zphs

After deploying the virtual classroom setup in the school, had conducted an assessment - oral and written to see how far virtual classroom teaching is effective. EFF volunteers turned teachers for sometime, they invigilated, guided, motivated and inspired the pupils in many aspects.

There are some bitter moments in this trip. Most and most of the pupils coming school barefoot from long distances. OMG! barefoot in hot summer! it's intolerable. When I asked the reason for not buying foot wear, they simply smiled and never regret their status of living. Tears rolled my eyes. Few pupils carrying books in hands, they don't have bags to carry the books. What a pity! still Indian farmers leading life with less than $ 2 a day. We have to do something to uplift their status. At least donate foot wear to save their little feet from burning hot sun.

Ended the school with a get together in the school campus.Distributed gifts for the GK quiz winners, in a big open auditorium. For the first time I spoke in front of 400+ pupils. It's my turn to speak on the dais, I was not scared actually, but ran out of words therefore my speech tumbled and fumbled. Shocked to see Sai Sudheer's [one of the EFF volunteer] speech. He spoke in pure Telugu, with huge huge words to explain benefits of virtual classroom and pitfalls of stereo type teaching. Disappointed for not carrying a video cam to shoot, it was really good.

At the same time we enjoyed the trip either; though summer started, the greenary in the fields feasted our eyes, for a moment we halted at some scenic spots and gone out for a photo shoot. Wow! I love to be in the country side.

This trip sensitized me in many things. There are so many questions, and challenges in front of me...

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 14th

Valentines day is just a week ahead. People are busy buying gifts and surprising their loved ones. But the question is do we need to celebrate valentines day? Most of the Hindu religious groups oppose it, in fact they forcibly makes the guy tie knot to his girl friend on that day if seen in any park or public place. Is that correct?

Whatever, people never give up, show their love different ways. I have a small story of a true lover...
There was a girl with all the dreams about her dream boy. She dreams day and night about him. Accidentally, she meets a guy who is quite opposite to the qualities of his dream boy. She falls in love with him; the guy observes the girl's affection towards him, he tries to keep away from her and treats her as a friend, JUST FRIEND! on the other hand the girl never express her love, though everyone knows she loves him. She is confident that one or the other day the guy feel her love. The girl is very calm and of course innocent person. Never expects anything from her love, just keeps on loving him and loving him...

Does her love succeeds...?

Monday, January 9, 2012

entered into 2012

Have lot of memories in 2011 in my life, mainly, virtual classroom went live for the first time at Gandeed on 28th December, 2011.
[screen shot]
It's a great achievement though delayed. My first experience with Gandeed Z.P.H.S. is indeed unforgettable. Pupils are very innocent, even though they can't communicate in English they are trying to speak with help of their teachers. My God! each class strength exceeds 60, can't imagine how they are accommodating in that small computer room. But one thing, I can read their faces they are enjoying virtual class teaching. Govt had started success schools in all the govt schools throughout the state to lure the pupils and get in more enrollment. That's a good decision though.
Well, have so many targets in this year.
My next target is to install virtual classroom in Doma mandal. Hope everything goes well.