Monday, October 10, 2011


Anger makes man animal. Anger is the root cause of all miseries. Anger is the powerful tool than a missile. Anger is the cruncher of happiness. Anger Anger Anger... why am talking about anger, coz i am very much angry since yesterday...if your beloved ones promises you to meet and fails to fulfill then how would you feel? exactly I am facing damn damn anger... :X My mind is totally not working.
My mind is saying it's not correct to be anger for a silly reason but my heart is saying to be in that mood, not to go anywhere, don't talk to anyone, be dull and increase your anger...
What's wrong with me, being a teacher I should counsel my children but here I am becoming a victim of anger...grrrrrrr!
I read some pages on "how to overcome mental tension" even though my anger didn't cool. What is the remedy for this condition? Controlling our senses especially anger is quite not possible. In anger we hate ourselves, we can see only failures when close eyes, wonders whom to blame for the condition, want to shed boiling tears, break things [which are breakable :P]
And please don't tell me philosophy about anger, that it can be turned into positive reinforcement to accomplish our no a human being not saint or jogini.

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