Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The poorest of the poor...the Animals!

Feeling dizzy about the animals I am seeing around! Summer is scorching, people are boiling and burning in the hot mercury. We consume a lot of water, drinks, fruits etc to keep ourselves hydrate in this hot summer.
Then what about those creatures...which born like us on the same planet, breathe like us, eat like us, live and die like us! Yes, I am talking about animals, abandoned animals on the streets - dogs, cows, cats, goats etc.

We enjoy variety food, neatly cleaned, cooked and served with lots of clean water, but these animals don't have at least bore water to drink.
We wash our clothes and utensils with gallons of clean water, but these animals don't have access to a drop of clean water to quench it's thirst.
We humans, bath daily once or twice with one or two buckets of clean water, some well to do people bath in tubs or swimming pools, but these animals aren't getting a half a bucket of water in this hot summer.

People water their lawns and gardens with tanks of water, but these animals are dying out of thirst.
We use clean drinking water to flush our toilets, but these animals are craving for a few drops of drinking water.

We spend the water as if our birth right, but these animals too have the same right to use water like us.
We humans, selfish humans, pumping all the river water to metros, sourcing it to power plants, industries and other commercial purposes. Water bodies like tanks and bunds are converting to real estate, housing areas.

We see animals on the roads feeding on the garbage dumps. The vegetable markets, fruit markets garbage are the dining for cows. They rush to the markets in the evening to grab their meal. Vendors are little happy, as the rotten and dried veggies are cleaning up with these cows.
However, the cows are craving for water. These cattle are drinking drainage water to quench it's thirst. Dogs and cats feed on the left overs from a slaughter house garbage, however, these carnivores too need water. Most of the dogs are licking the drainage water pits.
It's pathetic! We have a lot of clean water in household, still not satisfied, complaining and fighting for more water. Then what about these animals! they don't have access to a drop of drinking water.
In addition, 40% of water is wasted due to leakage of pipes everyday. We are wasting water through mismanagement as well.
Humans wants are unending! We, humans have become so selfish; never care the fellow creatures, instead making them shelter-less, killing indirectly.

There is point percent population working towards these abandoned animals, like - 'Goushalas', 'Bluecross', and some small NGO's taking care of orphaned and abandoned animals.

We can give a small hope to these animals by -
  • Placing water in containers at public places (like water camp for pedestrains).
  • Construct mini tanks in the areas near by markets
  • Place water on the terrace for birds.
  • Keep change left over water every day, and refill it with clean water.
  • And do not waste water, save water!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The ill treatment for the poor!

Carrying bodies, tribal women lead protests against cops - 
Bastar has seen several protests but rarely have tribal women come out and beat their breasts, shouting slogans. Surprisingly, men tried to calm them down, pull them away but these women continued to scream and hurled stones at the Gangalur police station and nearby CRPF camp.
Old and young women were protesting while carrying bodies of their husbands and sons, handed over to them around 1 pm on Sunday. They knew only Gondi and Halbi but managed a few Hindi abuses. "Wapas jao... wapas jao..," they shouted at the CRPF camp as they laid down the bodies at the thana gate and tried to break open its lock. Two old women rattled barbed fencing of the CRPF camps and threw stones at the personnel on guard, forcing them to run for cover. "Raman Sarkar murdabaad, murdaabaad." Some of them hurled utensils inside the thana. "Stop killing tribals; kill us now, if you dare."
All the deceased were men; two of them father and sons — Karam Joga and his son Badru (13), Karam Pandu and his son Guddu (14). The other minor boy killed was Punem Lakhu (15).
The agony did not end with their death. The bodies were lying in open field, under 45 degree sun, decomposing, badly swollen and emanating unbearable smell. CRPF men, face covered, guarded them with X-95, AK-47 with an Under Barrel Grenade Launcher.
"Jara pet par chira laga," a doctor said. He too had his face covered. A man, Suklu, came forward and cut open a naked body. Red worms protruded out from stomach. "Dead bodies become like balloon. When you cut them, they produce fart like sound," a CRPF cop explained. Relatives of the deceased held the bodies as the doctor examined the bodies with a stick, from a distance.
"Don't you have another blade, a new one," Civil Surgeon Dr B R Pujari asked his colleagues. Only two blades were used so far, and five bodies had been cut open from various sides, the doctor thought of changing the blade. But there was none. Suklu did not change surgical gloves through the process.
 - The Indian Express