Monday, December 24, 2012

A national Shame!

Angry, tears, protest, agitation…were the reactions underwent when read about Delhi gang-rape in the moving bus. Tears were rolling down for each word while reading the pathetic incidence. The paramedical student was brutally raped and injured by group of boys. Why do they do to a woman in that inhuman manner! in fact animals are hundred and one times better than these rogues! What's the pleasure out of such insane act they got it...don't they think of their women at home...where is the humanity...? This pathetic incident touched every heart of the Indian, and couldn't keep quiet...
Students in Delhi are venting out their anger protesting day and night at secretariat, Indian Gate and at President's and CM’s residence. Withstanding the tear gas, water cannons in the cold winter, laticharge by police, receiving as a reward for the peaceful protest; whole country is agitating and protesting the act. On the other hand government has kept silent or speaking nothing much about the incident.

Who are responsible:
  • The girl with her friend travelling in that bus, but they have chosen a wrong bus…
  • The girls’ friend could have fight more till he die, or by beating them in their private parts…
  • The windows were curtained…
  • There were no cops in the area where the bus travelled, so called posh Delhi…
And the reasons line up like a pile, whatsoever, can we change the past? It’s all happened in the CAPITAL of India the Delhi…is it not a national shame! Cops couldn't able to provide security for aam aadmi [common people]  in the capital city, what can we expect in a far away rural India…

What we need?
  • Enact a bill/law against rapist, punish them in the public
  • Ensure 24/7 security for all the people in the nation
  • Change the rigid mindset of the cops- when a rape victim approaches P.S. the cops should not double rape them with words
  • Need more women cops and the protection cells
  • Stop saying/advising what women should wear
  • Educate the male people right from their childhood, on how to respect and honour women
  • Indian cinemas must stop showing the women as a mere flesh to use...
  • Government should react promptly for any such kind of incidents