Monday, April 9, 2012

End of the academic year

Looks like just yesterday the year started and ended today. Yes! it's last day in the academic year11-12. I feel lil happy and sad. Happy because I successfully finished the virtual classes gained varied experiences, learned huge bunches of lesson as well and sad because, I will see my students after two months. More or less every teacher feels the same way. This year gave me a wide range of experiences, it's more than a Ugadhi Pacchadi. Tasted the sweetness of cheers, bitterness of troubles, salty questions, souring arguments, spicy discussions and much more. Teaching is actually learning, though its an age old saying, it's absolutely true. My students in and outside the school ask me 'n' number of questions which are sometimes logical some are illogical and funny; they post me questions as I give freedom to speak up and share their ideas. Lol! started band bajana :P